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Rogerioandrade said:
Err.... the game is still listed as a WiiU game on its official website.

Actually, pre-orders for the WiiU version are open. And only for WiiU. So, chill out, people. The WiiU version is not going to be cancelled.

Pretty sure The Last Guardian was officially listed as a PS3 game and had preorders open for that version too.


I don´t recall pre-orders for The Last Guardian at that time.But anyway... it was too long ago.

What I recall is that that game didn´t even had a website or several gameplay videos and presentations in big events as BotW had by now, showcased on the proper system, so it´s a completely different situation. At most, there were just conceptual trailers.

What it seems though, is that the Switch version will probably be delayed. Rumors are saying that Nintendo is working with a June launch for that version, at least in the U.K..