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dawve24 said:
Hey Kas I jumped into your game tonight, didnt mean to run you over with the tank. I didnt even see you till it was to late. I was trying to get away from the other teams warhawks. They were murdering us.

It was no excuse to teamkill me with the rpg while standing in front of you 2 games later.j/k

LOL, that was some wild shit. I was on the blue team first when I noticed your name on the red team so I decided to switch (BIG MISTAKE), we got our asses handed to us by the blue team. TKing is just the risk we take in the Expert servers, both times were my fault though. When you ran me over I was actually running across the street blind because I had the full map on screen trying to locate any nearby enemy warhawks. Then when I TKed you I was actually clearing an enemy mine in our base with a grenade and missed :P


All VGCharterz welcome!!!
PSN: Al_Kickurass, Official Warhawk League Thread!!!->