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LivingMetal said:
Mario on Xbox almost became a reality when Microsoft first proposed a buyout of Nintendo. But when Microsoft made known that Nintendo was to cease hardware production, Nintendo back out of the potential deal. Otherwise, we would have seen a Mario game on the Xbox. Look on the bright side. Competition is good for the industry.

just a heads up, the litigation and law in Japan for a foreign company to take over one of their own large companies is insanely complicated and has to be approved by the court.

There's like zero chance the Japanese government would have let something like that occur. There are extremely few number of examples of foreign companies asborbing/buying large Japanese companies in the last few decades


interesting comments but nothing surprising. Mario games sell great, and in general Nintendo's 1st party software sells excellent. Naturally they'd want big N games on the Xbox if it were possible. Not that it is as that would kill Nintendo's console at the time.

Although the Banjo Kazooie comment had me curious, he makes it sound like he is offering for Banjo to be in Smash. I find it hard to believe Nintendo wouldn't accept that offer