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Chazore said:
JEMC said:

I have so many things to say.

1-You're ok buying from Origin? I thought you hated it!

2-Your CPU limits you? How can it be if those games ask for lower CPUs than the one we have? Mankind Divided asks for a 3770K as recommended.

1. I dislike EA knocking down the prices of their games from £50-60 to the default AAA price of £40 (that's not really a general market reduction, that's their way of claiming it's the same), but Titanfall wasn't being sold at £40, it was going for £26 which I thought was a good sale.

Another point to add to 1, was that I couldn't buy anything from the Origin store for a few months due to some random 404. I couldn't get in contact with their customer service via text (via day in the UK is pointless when they close in the evening). With the recent BF sales going on, I tried for the TF2 deal and was surprised to get it. Then I grabbed the ME trilogy since the whole kit was going for £14. I'll buy from the Origin store, just as long as the game works, is good and sells at a decent price.

2. Apparently it does. I've been having issues with BF1 frame wise, my CPU usage is nearly at 100%, my GPU is handling it fine, though this is mostly on their end that still needs to be fixed. TF2 suggests their reco spec as having an i7, 16gb RAM, GTX 1060 (6gb, my 980 only has 4) and even then their ultra is asking for mroe, for a game using the source engine at that.

Having issues with Planet Coaster, but that's due to the game actually being legit CPU intensive (though they could do with sorting it out a bit more as the game is fully out in the wild now) witnthe AI and other simulations. The GPU siggested is a 980 and mine ends up getting pretty hot at around 75c, no other game has got it running that hot and my airflow is fine for the most part.

That's 3 games already that I can't run properly, add DE:MD to the pile and it's 4, may as well add DH2 as well due to the mess that game is in on PC. I'll have to build a new spec, but I'm not at all looking forward to the amount I'll have to spend. I did think of another rotue, where I could try finding an i7 CPU that's decent enough to fit with my mobo and also find a new 16gb DDR3 kit, that way it wouldn't requrie going for a new mobo and a different i7 to go with that mobo. I'll have to get a new GPU sometime year year anyway.

I just seem to have bad luck when it comes to building a spec and then suddenly game devs are now trying to enforce i7 requirements and 16gb rather than simply implying, like they have done for a number of years.

Battlefield 1 is a very demanding game. I remember it asking for a modern 6xxx CPU, even for min. specs.

You try to find that CPU and RAM now and maybe take advantage of some Black Friday sales. Not buying a new mobo will also allow you to keep your current windows install.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.