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Arkaign said:
True, at that big hacker conference in Vegas, the Macs are always the easiest things to hack, lol. They thrived for the longest time in 'security by obscurity', but that's a thing of the past, not to mention all of the new problems with macOS Sierra. Tim Cook is screwing up Apple and good.

One of my clients got a new MBP to replace his 2014 model, and was surprised by how bad it was. At first, I thought maybe he was doing something wrong. Nope, just a piece of crap. He's on a surface book now and loves it.

I haven't done SHIT to my Mac since 2014. Nothing. I hardly even restart the thing. All I do is open it, use it, close it. It still runs exactly as stable as the day I bought it. Absolute silk.

Again, in MY experience, OSX is perfection.