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disolitude said:

I was looking forward to Quake:Enemy Teritory and I caught the IGN review of the game. Seems like its a pretty average game and I most likely won't get it anymore...but if I were to get it which version would I get? According to the review, they are both mediocre in same ways except for one difference -

360 review

6.0 Graphics
Occasional framerate drops and bland character models, environments and effects.

PS3 review

4.5 Graphics
One of the worst looking high-profile releases ever on the system. Bad framerate and bland texture work.


So this joins the list of I don't know howmany FPS games that came out for both systems and had to be delayed, or came out looking worse. Infact here is the list of the ones that come to mind...

Blacksite:Area 51 - delayed a month because of dev issues

Timeshift - delayed a month (dunno why)

Orange box - delayed, came out looking worse

FEAR - Delayed 4 months, came out looking worse

Rainbow Vegas 2 - worse frame rate


On the other hand, Unreal 3 which is coming out for 360 this summer seems to have loads of aditional features such as split screen deathmatch and 2 player campaign mode. I doubt it will look any worse...


Now you can blame the developers for being retards and not knowing how to use ps3...but come on, Valve...Ubisoft montreal, these are AAA studios.

I personally think Sony owners can officially stop expecting graphical dominance over the 360 in day to day games because its obvious that with the cell processor....what it gains with more horsepower, it loses because of bad architecture that leads to difficult optimazation of the hardware. As I bought a PS3 recently, I still have that WOW factor around the system...but its becoming clear to me its not really any more powerful than the 360.

Sure, an exclusive title may eventually look pretty impressive...but I imagine this is because sony is pumping insane amounts of money in to their exclusives. Whats Killzone 2's tab this days?

Whats your take on why this is happening?

Do you understand the porting process at all?  Games developed on, and for the PS3 hardware all run very well.  Look at Resistance and CoD4, these games were made for the PS3 from the ground up.  They did not take 360/PC code and port it to the PS3.  The PS3 is very difficult to port games on not only because of the Cell architecture, but also because of OpenGL.  You cant just port DirectX games directly to OpenGL.  Some companies are starting to get it, look at Burnout Paradise and GTA4.  Both games are either equals, or near equals, and we are starting to see this more and more now that the PS3 has been on the market for 1.5 years.  Sony has been updating developer kits/tools, and developing game engines (PhyreEngine) for all to use.  Its getting better.

Valve did not port Orange Box, and Quake Wars was not ported by the same company that ported the PC version to  360.  Ubisoft Montreal, well, I dont know what the hell is wrong with them, other than they have had tons of problems with the UT engine on PS3.  Most of the games you listed had tons of other problems, ie bad story, poor mechanics, or re-hashed sequel.  The PS3 is fine, and when developers take the time to know the hardware, it is capable of the same visuals as the 360.  Frankly, I hope we are seeing an end of the FPS era and studios will start to diversify their products.    


Bethesda's Todd Howard "if install base really mattered, we'd all make board games, because there are a lot of tables."

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