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$60 MSRP for a year old game?

Most of the people who waited a year to play Rise appear to be content to keep waiting until it's appropriately priced. $30 is appropriate. Wouldn't be surprised to see it for $30 on Black Friday.

My guess is that SE made the "timed, console exclusive" deal with MS shortly before the lay of the land was set with regards to marketshare. If not, then MS brokered a great deal to sell a handful of XBOs at SE's expense.

What this may mean on a practical level is that the "timed, console exclusive" model, which is a fairly ridiculous marketing concept to begin with, is either on its way out (no longer of value to developers unless the title in question is heavily subsidized to make up for lost sales/revenue), or is a marketing strategy that should only be taken if done on the platform with the dominant marketshare.

Incidentally, I wouldn't be surprised if the $60 MSRP was a result of the mediocre sales on the XBO, due to the size of the consumer base more than the demand or quality of the product, in a weak attempt to recoup losses through the PS4 consumer base.

So yeah; PS4 owners shouldn't support subsidizing mediocre sales of a game on another platform a year later, but people are naturally free to spend their money as they wish.