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darconi said:
All I have to say is that Wii Sports will no doubt go down in history as one of the most significant videogames in history, not to mention just this generation.

It is almost solely responsible for most of the fanboy anguish today since it is without a doubt the biggest wii system seller ever.

It got rated in the 70s.

Rating system = broken.

 That's an interesting point.

 It doesn't necessarily mean that the review system is broken. I'm going to go out on a limb here and compare Video-gaming reviewing with Movie reviewing. Wait? Need I say more? Perhaps I do, so I will. From time immemorial, the truth that what movie gets the highest score has very little impact on what movie makes the biggest bucks has been universaly accepted. This has to do with the fact that the 'upmarket' movies (the movies that demands a lot from the consumer) reaches upmarket customers, and that reviewers are most often found in this group. Downmarket movies (the ones that do demand very little of its audiance) do not appeal to the reviewers, but they do appeal to the great masses. Therefore reviewscores play a much smaller role in how succesful a movie is compared to the impact they have on games. 

Since Nintendo has reached new downmarket consumers, the market situation is probably shifting towards looking more like the movie-market.

I might be wrong. It might just be that the games on Wii are so much worse than those on the 360. Then again, whether a game is good or bad is entirely up to the consumer.


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