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Hiku said:

1.) You're entitled to your opinion of course. And if you like it then you may not understand why others hate it. But the fact that the Naruto vs Pain sequences is notoriously hated and laughed at, while DBS episode57 recieved unanimous high praise

means that the consensus disagrees with you. And yeah, that guy also animated the Vegito fight.

Personally I thought the Pain fight was very poorly excecuted. Kyuubi firing lasers that Pain deflected looked like it came straight out of star wars. And he should not have that ability. Shinra Tensei is a chakra pulse that takes 5 seconds to recharge. Not a force field he can perpetually hold up for a long time. Him running like a 90's cartoon character, getting hammered into the ground, shot like a plank into a wall, etc, was laughable for the wrong reasons. The magical flooding of the whole area by pulling up roots had no affect on the rest of the fight, just like evrything else, and was seemingly just there so he could draw Pain looking like the Road Runner from Looney Toons. Pain's head should have been squished when he was hammered by a rock. All of a sudden his head is made out of titanium, just for this one scene. There's not supposed to be this much ass pull in one scene just because the animator is different. And the atrocious artstyle made it a lot worse. This is the same guy who did Sasuke vs Orochimaru during the Chuunin exam. I know he can do a lot better. Even though there were some poor quality moments in that fight, it wasn't as prevelant as in this one.

Nothing that happened in the Dragon Ball Super fight had the characters look or act out of place. They did not look like groteque monsters, or have unbeliavable abilities all of a sudden for the sake of this one scene.
When it comes to the Pain scene, I would tell my friends to skip it. I can't see similar ctiticism being made for the fight in DBS epi 57 and why anyone would skip it.

2.) I agree. And DBS has a whole slew of different animators for each episode. And they change lead animators from episode to episode.
Here are just the ones who worked on Epi 66:
And personally I prefer Toyotaro's manga when it comes to artstyle:

pastro243 said:

Oh, and while Dragon Ball and Naruto have bigger budgets, they also have very tight release schedules. They have to outsource to other studios and animators have to draw quickly to achieve those schedules, obviously affecting the quality of drawings. Of course, at their best it's hard for other anime's to top them.

And the final Naruto vs Sasuke fight also had a lot of filler sequences. You have to do them or else fights wouldn't have as much fluidity or would be just too short. You can see in Naruto best animations that most of the taijutsu they engage in it's not "canon", but it adds a lot.

They sure do, but the studios can save their ammo for for the big important fights. Toei handled this very well in the Future Trunks arc. (Not so much in the previous ones, except for Goku vs Hit.) The Pain vs Naruto fight was supposed to be an epic intense moment. But it makes a lot of people angry, or laugh, because of the direction they chose.

As for filler sequences in fights, the example you chose, the final battle, had a mix of filler content, and important descisive moments that affected the outcome of the battle. The entire Pain vs Naruto sequence I'm refering to can be taken out and it wouldn't affect anything. But that in itself isn't always neccesarily a bad thing. It was just an additional observation, and yet another reason for why they could have skipped it, and put that money towards enhancing the canon parts of the fight to an even higher level.

1) I can completely understand why a lot of people hate that fight in the anime. Powers were not consistent with what was shown either in the manga or anime, style changed and wasn't what most anime viewers are used to. But the reasons it is hated don't have much relation to the quality of the work shown in the episode in regards to animation, this is like playing experimental jazz or progmetal in a regular envoirment and people would say it's just "noise". Reffering only to animation, I doubt anyone who has studied or animates would tell you that episode 167 of Naruto sucks, I would advise anyone who is interested in animation to watch that episode actually. So I doubt the consensus disagrees with me, at least in animator's circles. 

These guys do a better job than me explaining it and you can also see that the animators behind that episodes are some of the best in the entire industry by checking where they have worked before. Check out Norio Matsumoto for example has awesome work in Naruto, 99' Hunter x Hunter and Rurouni Kenshin.
On the Dragon Ball clips, there is a sequence in that episode that is pure brilliance (I think it was the third one you posted) and that sequence is the one that is highly praised everywhere. But the first 2 clips you posted use a lot of limited animation, it's good and acceptable (It would be impossible to have the whole episode looking like those 40 seconds of brilliance) but it's not top notch or the scenes people praise. 

Also, this has more to do with style, but Naruto and DBZ have different styles which influence what we usually see when animating them. Naruto uses a style that took a lot from Neon Genesis Evangelion, character models have more plasticity and can be deformed easily to get fluid movement (can be seen in good sakuga moments in series like the 99 Hunter x Hunter). DBZ doesn't look so good when you do that, but you can see they started trying in Super like in fights between Goku and Bills (not the one that sucks haha, the good clips from the best fight) but they didn't do it in great fights of the old series like Goku vs Buu, Goku vs Vegeta or Gohan SSJ2 vs Cell Jr.

2) What I meant with filler movements being neccesary is that if you only animated what's in the manga, you would have fights that last for 2 punches or 3 kicks, etc... It's part of the medium chosen, anime and manga are different. If the filler is awkward then that's another thing (I understand why people don't like this episode).

3) I think my favorite DBZ art comes from the final part of the Z series