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Soundwave said:

No one is saying there should be unchecked, unlimited immigration. I think we understand that there must be a controlled pace and greater emphasis on integration. Obviously too I think we need to distinquish betwen the issues of radical terrorists and say people from India, China, and other areas who aren't even affiliated with any of that. Not everyone should be lumped into one category. 

Agreed as a species we need to develop better living conditions than what we have today, 2/3 of the world should not be living in crippling, abject poverty and I can say that even as a priveleged, fairly wealthy individual. It's not a good situation to be in. I don't blame people for wanting a better life, it is the quintessential of all human traits if you study our evolution, it's why we've gone to every corner of the globe, because people have always been migrating from regions looking for a better life for their kids. 

Obviously we need in today's world a common sense approach, and yes border security is part of that, I never said it wasn't. That said, being a hostile asshole to people who only want the bread crumbs off a priveleged few's table is not the answer in my book either. There needs to be a middle path here where we do give oppurtunities to some, but there also probably needs to be an understanding here that if you're moving to a new country it's incumbent on you to integrate. 

Also more Americans are not on welfare because of immigrants. It's because of an incredibly disparity in wealth distribution that exploded with the Ronald Reagan era of massive tax breaks for the rich, which then never trickled down (because as it turns out, rich people are exceedingly good as keeping as much of the "trickle down" for themselves, go figure). 

I'm just saying be careful of who you're getting into bed with, make no mistake a lot of these "alt-right-ers" are just rebranded Neo-Nazis and where they want to go is an equal or worse nightmare because it's devoid of any love or understanding, and history has shown us where that bus goes ... it always drives itself off a cliff. So I would say think about that before you choose to willingly get on that bus. 

Overall, American didn't get on welfare because of Reagan, or immigration. They got on welfare because their elite lost any interest for their middle class, and made policy against their interest regarding immigration, taxes, offshoring, trade, finance (subprimes, etc.), wars and so many other things. It's so bad IMO that any decent politician would have to undo about anything that has been done in the last 25 years. We are heading in a very wrong, violent direction, and that changed my view on where the risks are. I tend to believe the mainstream media are again wrong or lying in their narrative about alt-right, and that most people are just people like me.

As for other countries, I believe most of what we can do is through foreign policy (and in many cases it could mean doing nothing rather than doing more) and fair trade, rather than through immigration. Btw, I have been in China, and you can tell where the money has gone, that's splendid, airports and roads, just as Trump says. On the other hand, I was really shocked when I saw streets and roads to NY, that's something I've never seen in any developped country. So we can't really tell there is no transfer of wealth already going on.