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Soundwave said:

I'm just saying be careful of who you're getting into bed with, make no mistake a lot of these "alt-right-ers" are just rebranded Neo-Nazis and where they want to go is an equal or worse nightmare because it's devoid of any love or understanding, and history has shown us where that bus goes ... it always drives itself off a cliff. So I would say think about that before you choose to willingly get on that bus. 

Based on what I see most of the people on the Alt-right are working-class people are worried about issues of national security, terrorism and jobs and who just don't care anymore if they get labelled racist by the mainstream media and elites.  Most do not hate people because of the color of their skin nor think that non-whites are genetically inferior but rather their concerns with immigration are primarily based on a fear of terrorism and their culture's inability to assimilate a large number of migrants.  It's a reasonable thing to be afraid for the survival of one's society and when the left just labels the majority of these people as being racist and deplorable it just shuts down any debate and chance for common ground.  In fact doing this kind of thing is exactly what will create more neo-nazi's.  A lot of people on the Alt-right want peace in the middle east and they want to have hardworking immigrants entering their country, it's just that they want national security to also be on the forefront.  Labelling the Alt-Right as mostly being neo-nazi's is a simplistic answer to a complex problem, it's a shame that the left won't work with the Alt-Right and try to understand their concerns instead of just labelling them as racist with no discussion or open debate of the issues.  The Alt Right is a growing group and they are not going away, drawing a line in the sand like this can lead to civil war.