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curl-6 said:

See, people keep saying for at least the last five years that the AAA industry will collapse because of games released unpolished, yet said collapse is still nowhere in sight. Most gamers honestly just seem not to give a shit if their game drops to 25fps sometimes or has minor bugs. Consumers are voting with their wallets, and they're saying that they're fine with it. If it means we get more games, more often, that's a good thing.

Taking five plus years to make a game polished is not a sign of diligence, it's a sign of incompetence and mismanagement. That a 2015 game may not make a March 2017 release window is pitiful, and Nintendo's obsession with OCD perfection has hurt them again and again this generation as their games consistently miss their deadlines. They would be better off getting with the program and following the rest of the industry's lead. After all, most of the industry is doing much better than Nintendo is.

No offence dude but people are saying that because the signs have propped up a while ago, last generation look at how many studios, developers and publishers went under, even today that is still happening. If you think that the hasn't been any problems then I think you've blatently ignored them, most gamers do care as is the case with Ubisoft's games, Mafia and even No Man's Sky being recent examples. Ken Levine a few years back detailed some of the problems when he shut down his studio.

As inefficient as it is it is a sign of diligence when the end product is consistently high quality in all departments so yes it's better this way, most of the industry doesn't make even a third of the money Nintendo does they're not doing better they're stuck in a brutal cycle.