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WagnerPaiva said:
VGPolyglot said:

It's funny that you complain about having your free speech violated, yet try to silence those that bring up the problems of the sexist, racist society that we live in. Basicallly, it seems like a bunch of people saying racist things, then being angry because people call them out on it.

My favorite comment on what you said comes from comedian Brian Regan. He stated, about sexysm: "Men and wome are equal but different. We have the same value and rights, but we think, feel and function very diferently. We are as special and intelligent, but we are not the same. Denying that gender exist is just insanity".

I am all for protecting women from being misthreated in any way, but they do have differences and different needs, specially if they want to embrace her rights to have children for example: they deserve a time off with pay during pregnancy, and special hours during lactancy.

Sometimes they are target for sex favors in the professional world, so they need special protection in that as well.

So, you see? Gender exist, women deserve these kind of special cares I mentioned. It is not evil sexysm, it is freaking common sense and protecting the gender that bear the children, the future of our species.

So, yes, I do think SJWs saying gender is a social construct and saying "good morning" to a woman is hurtful and hate speech is insanity.

what am I talking about? SJWs like this:

Now, if you can say in all sincerity that this woman is improving society, then, my friend, I will rest my case and give up. But I sincerelly expect more from you.

So, what you seem to be doing is showing clips of some overreacting and use that as a way to right off all feminists? Do you realize that the vast majority of feminists don't advocate for the end of saying hello to women? I also never said that genders exist, I said that sexism exists. We do not know how much of our attitudes are biology based and how much are society based because virtually everyone is a part of a society.