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Well the Switch version of games like Splatoon, Mario Kart, etc aren't just straight up ports, according to the rumors/leaks, since they have a bunch of new content in them apparently. But even then, if you wanted to not include them and still say they are just ports, then there are still a bunch of new games coming:

3D Mario
Retro's new game
Mario RPG: Invasion of the Rabbids
Pikmin 4
Zelda Breath of the Wild
A rumored new IP from Nintendo

And probably a lot more that we don't even know about, such as how Luigi's Mansion 3 has been rumored a lot in the past, the Wave Race trademark being renewed recently, etc.That's only the first party games as well, there are the third party games that are rumored will be available like Skyrim Remastered and such. 

Not to mention the fact that now that all the Nintendo teams get to work on one single platform instead of having to create 2 different versions of a game, such as Mario Kart for portable and home console for example, that means more new games will be made since that team can work on something else.