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Vev: Viva ex Vivo

Very odd game. Traverse biological samples while attracting and absorbing particles and evading parasites. It's a simple survival game, attempt to set a highscore in 15 minutes per stage. It uses very technical jargon to explain what's going on, so if you're not a microbiologist like me, just race for the particles and evade all the rest :) Best to skip the tutorial stage, empty sleep inducing room, might as well start at the first stage.

There are only 8 stages total, it's only $5, and transitions quite well to VR. It looks very basic yet weaving in between tons of red blood cells while evading antibodies and whatever the little clingy things are that try to steal your stash is quite fun.

It becomes pretty challenging too. This is not flow.

I played some more of Space Rift. I like the atmosphere, yet the gameplay is rather clumsy. The mining part is fun, got to upgrade that ship. Space combat gets old fast, simply fly in reverse to take em out. Your turn rate is about 1/10th of the enemy drones, dog fighting is rather pointless.