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I think you are right.

With enough time and money I think one could squeeze more out of the ps3 than a 360 but as things stand now with the wii taking over market place and less money being pumped in to the HD(not to mention PS3 being at the bottom of that pile for at least another 2 years), we won't see much difference between the 2 consoles.

There are PS3 games that turn out as good if not little better than 360. However I believe people had the misconception that PS3 is a LOT more powerful than the 360 when it came out and I don't think this will be the case this generation.

Like statements that Uncharted is using 30% of the cell processor from naughty dog make me laugh now...

I'm not saying it is not using may well be using 30% of the cell, while also using 100% of the available ram, video card processing and bus lines on the motherboard.