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Pavolink said:
teigaga said:

You mean the system which launched with the world wide phenomenon called Wii sports and a gamecube port?

Yes, the system where 3 of every 4 Wii's sold had a TP copy

And 4 of every 4 sold had a copy of Wii sports. Whats your point? If you want to position the success of the Wii on a game which had an attach rate less than 1/10, you're onto a losing game. Zelda is a great launch title, as is 3D Mario. The success of the platform is not dependent on any one game unless we're talking about a phenomenom like Wii Sports. 

If people would be willing to buy switch for one Zelda game in March (most won't, TP sold most of its units after 6months), they'll do the same "several" months later.