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Miyamotoo said:
Wright said:

Well, I know this is just based on rumours and there's nothing concrete, so things can change, but...

...but that's a damn terrible launch plan so far.

First, this is not complete list, if look you will see those are only games Nintendo showed or we heard in one or other way, we basically don't know anything about any new games, but offcourse there will be new games we curently dont know about.

Second, for now this launch plan looks like killer launch plan not terrible (lol), new 3D Mario game with Splatoon remaster will alone sell tons of consoles, Skyrim will also help for people who dont want only Nintendo games, followed by one most popular and one of best MK game ever, followed by one most hyped Nintendo games ever Zelda BotW, followed by remaster of one bes Smash Bros game ever white tons of content.

So basically for now you have 3D Mario, 3D Zelda, Smash Bros, MK and great new IP like Splatoon in single year, thats for now basically one of Nintendo strongest 1st year line up for now and we will definatly have some more new games also.



Barkley said:

What worries me is that Mario Kart/Smash Ports and Zelda or all post launch, makes you wonder if there'll be many first party releases other then those three before holiday 2017. Those three games should have been launch window, well at the very least Mario Kart and Zelda.

If look you will see those are only games Nintendo showed or we heard in one or other way, we basically don't know anything about any new games, but offcourse there will be new games we curently dont know about.

4 of those 5 games you mentioned are Wii U ports. And the more exciting one is several months after launch. That's by far one of their worst lineups.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile