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curl-6 said:

It is debateable, because I disagree entirely. People may complain about Skyrim's bugs, but it sold over 15 million on PS3/360 alone and is beloved by gamers and critics. If gamers were really so against games being released imperfect, why do AAA games released this way sell multiple millions year after year?

Minor bugs and framerate issues are clearly not dealbreakers for the majority of gamers. Games these days have become so bloated and huge that if devs waited until they were flawless, they would never release. There comes a point where actually getting the product to consumers needs to take priority over a developer's neverending pursuit of unreachable perfection.

Except these aren't minor bugs these are full on performance and game breaking issues that are now starting to be called out by both critics and consumers, Skyrim on 360 and PS3 is the reason a number of people say that they wait a few months for the issues to be sorted before buying Bethesda games, I'll tell you again go speak to the PS4 and X1 owners who right now are livid because their copy of the remaster doesn't work. This gen alone more games have been called out for such problems with the most recent being Mafia 3 while before it we had the likes of Watch Dogs and even heavy hitters like Assassin's Creed have declined as a result of it, in fact funny enough a lot of AAA titles you're on about decline notably each year in sales.

Want an example of why delays are better than just pushing the game out the door look no further than FFXIV, the game was a disaster at launch that hurt SE's reputation, they had to redo the whole game as result, quality control is one thing that his going down the drain in the industry so sorry I'll say it again anyone advocating such practices shuld sit down and think because it's going to back fire hard.