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curl-6 said:
DanneSandin said:
While I hate the delays, I'm loving the ambition behind it! What I'm hearing is this; less bugs (hello Bethesda), a great game, a challenging game, great localization and the best Zelda there ever was (maybe). If I get all of that by simply waiting a few more months, I'm OK with that. I'd rather have a complete game than having a ton of patches trying to make it playable.

Two years ago, I would have agreed. But honestly, Nintendo's "don't release til it's flawless" strategy is obsolete in this day and age.

Just put the fucking thing out and patch it like everyone else does. A few minor framerate drops or bugs are not worth months of delay.

I don't think I can actually say something more that hasn't been said already, can't add much to the conversation at this point. I'd rather see companies take their responsabilities seriously and ship better games. And I'd like to see gamers take THEIR responsabilities more seriously as well; don't buy broken games! But Companies are companies and will do anything for a profit and gamers are gamers, and therefore stupid. I rather wait a little while for a better game than not being able to play it when I buy it. Yes, Skyrim has sold extremely well, but most of those sales probably didn't come from the first week or two after launch (although, I imagine the game did perfectly well at release). Had I bought a PS3 version of the game, I'd probably be mad as hell since it was a bug fest, and it took like half a year of patches for Bethesda to fix it (or was it a year?); they even delayed DLC's on PS3 to fix all the bugs in the original game. I'd be twice as mad at that point. I don't think NIntendo's strategy is flwed, it's gamers thinking that's flawed accepting behavior like this.

But I do agree that Nintendo shouldn't come out and set a date for a game they know probably will get delayed. Just say, "It's done when it's done"

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.