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curl-6 said:
Miyamotoo said:

Offcourse, look at Wii U decisions..

Well for now I really don't see any reason to criticize Nintendo about Switch or some later moves, they are currently look very promising to me. If Zelda isn't really launch title for Switch they definitely have good reason for that and they can't finish all they planed with this Zelda until March, but that doesnt mean they are stupid, its easily biggest game they ever worked on, we know they want games to polished and without bugs and espacily 3D Zelda titles. So I would understand if Zelda isnt Switch launch title even I would be disappointment because I expecting game on Switch launch and I would need to wait more for game.

You criticize things they've done in the past, but I have never, ever seen you say anything critical about their current or future plans, and not just now regarding Switch, but in the entire time you've been on this forum. You are free to prove me wrong, but I think you would defend absolutely anything Nintendo did, until it was in the past.

Like I wrote, for now I really don't see any reason to criticize Nintendo about Switch or some later moves, they are currently look very promising to me. And I criticize mostly their past moves because for them I can be sure they are bad moves, also fact is that I am interested much more in positive staffs and news than in negative overall.