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An open Secret: Eye opening documentary about a horrifying issue.

Academy award nominated film maker Amy Berg shocked the world with the doc DELIVER US FROM EVIL about child abuse in the RCC.

Now she reveals the dark side of Hollywood with a new doc, exposing the horror and the pain of child actors abused by their managers, directors and producers.

Some of these men where part of the big boom from the 90s, some of them now are part of MMORPGs companies and Bitcoin.

Brian Singer is also in it, the Xmen director... It is just gasping, scary...

Creator of phenomena DEN, millionaire Marc Rollins Rector scaped from the US and can be anywhere in the world right now.

Corey Aim... the beloved child actor, never recovered from the abuse and died at a young age.

Children are sacred, messing with them must be the most evil thing one can do, and it destroys them forever.

I was shocked and horrified with this documentary, but I also think it is a must watch to everyone, so we can learn to spot these people and protect our children.

One can never ever recover from such abuse, it is like the sadness never goes away. But we can prevent it from happening to the people we love if we are vigilant.

Please, if you are a parent, or uncle, watch this really carefully and learn to spot symptons that denounce a abuse happened.

PS: At 1h07min the parents of a young child-singer talk about how they felt when they found out about what happened.  


My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.