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Very disappointing if true. One could even make the case that the fate of the launch window success of Switch is closely tied to the success of BotW. It's a massively huge game, both in scope and in audience awareness. It's a tentpole release. Nintendo needs something big like that to get Switch off to a good start. Other than a AAA 3D Mario, I really don't see how any other franchise could justify a launch day purchase for me. If Zelda can't be finished in time for launch, I may just hold off for a few months. I really don't care as much about Mario as I used to. And I'm not gonna wait in line for launch day just to pick up a system for some Wii U ports.

Really, given the priority Nintendo gives to Mario games and Smash Bros games to meet deadlines, I'm surprised Nintendo is even letting this one slip. They literally brought in Retro Studios in 2011 to help make sure Mario Kart 7 launched by the end of 2011. They delayed Tropical Freeze and rushed to finish 3D World in 2013 to make it out for the holidays. Iwata set the teams to rush to finish Melee to release in time for Thanksgiving in North America, back in 2001. He knew that the holiday launch success of GameCube would be closely tied to having Smash Bros.

This needs to be treated with the same state of emergency. Take as many people off as many projects as possible. Delay the new 3D Mario for eight weeks if you have to, just do what you need to do to get BotW out for the Switch launch. They still have four solid months before the game needs to be shipped.

The Screamapillar is easily identified by its constant screaming—it even screams in its sleep. The Screamapillar is the favorite food of everything, is sexually attracted to fire, and needs constant reassurance or it will die.