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Boberkun said:
Miyamotoo said:

Even Swtitch in portable will be probably be more stronger than Wii U. Also rumour specifically saying that delay is because localisation and testing.

Marh 2017. was listed only one time and for like just for one day and imidaitly was changed to 2017 (that imply that listing month of release was mistake), nobady from Nintendo said March 2017. but they several times said just 2017, also in every other time was mentioned or specified just 2017.

Your passion of Switch defence is really impressive. If they gonna delay ZeldaU to the Fall 2017, you'll find the way to justify them.

Passion of Switch defence!? I talking about clear facts here, rumour is specifly saying that Zelda will be delayed because localisation and testing, but you assume thats beacuse Zelda BotW runs like "ass on Switch" even you don't have anything to backup that and totaly ignoring rumour and reasons about delay on 1st place.

Nintendo never said that Zelda is 2017. March title, while they several times they said its 2017. title, also fact. So they cant relly delay Zelda to Fall 2017, beacuse they never said its March 2017 title, we only assume/d that is Switch launch title and of course we will be disappointed if Zelda really isn't Switch launch title despite Nintendo never said that actually is Switch launch title.