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Boberkun said:
Miyamotoo said:

Switch will be noticeable stronger and more capable than Wii U

You know nothing about Switch specs. It stronger at whole, but I'm not sure that portable version of LoZ:BotW runs better than Wii U version.


Miyamotoo said:

To be fair they never said Zelda is coming in March, for Zelda is just 2017.

They said, in fact. Right after news about simultaneous release of the game, BotW was listed for March 2017 on the site. It was changed later to "2017".

I know that is definitely stronger than Wii U, and even Switch in portable mode will be probably be more stronger than Wii U. Also rumour specifically saying that delay is because localisation and bug testing, and that Switch version is running better than Wii U.

No they didnt said in fact, Marh 2017. was listed only one time and for like just for one day and imidaitly was changed to 2017 (that imply that listing month of release that early was mistake), nobady from Nintendo never said March 2017. but they several times said just 2017, also in every other time was mentioned or specified just 2017.