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Pavolink said:
Once again OP, what kind of innovation that it is a good idea would you like to see from Nintendo?

A good idea would be


1) Go for specs!! No need to go for High-End stuff like a custom GTX 1080 build, but at least MATCH Ps4 and XB1 with something extra. PS4 and XB1 are already so outdated that they both are receiving mid-gen upgrades, still being behind them for a 2017 release is unexcusable. 

2) Bring back the motion controls! It was something Nintendo did greatly on Wii, and them they threw it away with Wii U to favor a Tablet thing controller because, because people liked tablets at that time ( not so much anymore). If they just improved motions controls and offered a spec bump Wii U would have been interesting. I know it supported Wii Mote, but it was extremely secondary to that tablet thing. I don`t understand why Nintendo didn`t improve on motion controls, i really don`t understand why they ditched it.

3) Improve a lot on online, and I mean a lot. 

4) Switch right now has no innovation in it. It`s just a tablet using a proprietary Nintendo OS with a TV Dock in the box, I mean, it`s just that and nothing else, the only thing it actually has is Nintendo games, and just that. It really has nothing to offer to consumers but Nintendo exclusives, I hope i`m wrong, but this way only nintendo fans are going to get one, again.