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No, actually, the office of the president does not have the power to "ban" one type of person, or religion, certainly not by themselves. There are already laws in place preventing that very sort of thing, and MASSIVE laws would have to be changed to change that.

People really need to scale shit back. Yes, a Trump Presidency is an absolute joke and embarassment to the United States, and it IS going to be bad. But people so wound up, thinking it's going to be some Mad Max, Fourth Reich type shit, seriously need to calm the fuck down. Crazy Tea Party clowns were spewing the same kind of crap when Obama got elected, that he was going to take everyone's guns, and enact Martial Law, and throw people in camps, and make Islam the national religion (because yeah, he's totally Muslim guys), etc. etc .etc.

Trump talks a lot of shit, and some massive bigots that crawled out of the woodwork bought into it, and helped propel him into the White House (in probably the lowest turn-out election in decades, mind you). But nothing much is really going to change under him, even WITH Republicans temporarily controlling Congress. Why? Because they still don't like his ass.