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curl-6 said:
SvennoJ said:

How many stars can you see at 480:p
Come to think of it, Elite Dangerous is a prime candidate for HDR. Let those stars shine instead of white dots.

I haven't actually played Elite Dangerous to be honest, but I imagine with almost any game I'd take 480p/60fps over 1080/15fps. I remember seeing plenty of stars in Rgue Squadron 2/3 and Mario Galaxy at 480p! XD

Damn all those years wasted waiting for a new Elite Dangerous, should have just played Rogue Squadron! :) But true, in VR it will look closer to 480p again, and hell no at playing at 15fps in VR. Of course some people don't compromise, screw VR, build your own cockpit with 3 projectors and custom made controls.

Still no HDR, not good enough :p