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Slimebeast said:
Nem said:

And this is the truth. Wich btw was the same precursor that allowed the brexit vote. These polititions trying to take advantage of the people by giving them someone to hate.

This btw, is the basis of fascism. Its the exact same thing Hitler did. He got into office by hating/blaming on the jews/immigrants. Same thing again. 

He won because of outrageous accusations like yours and CaptainExplosions'.

The left doesn't give one millimeter. It's just open the gates for foreigners, the Western man must pay for them all and then be kept being called a fascist.

Your country Nem is filled with foreigners and submissive white guys, and yet you have stomach to play the racist card and fascist card.

This kind of backlash will happen in many European countries too. The Western man rising up because he's tired of getting leeched off but always receiving the hate. So why on earth would white guys vote on the party who calls us racist and fascist? What do SJWs and Hillary have to offer us for giving them their vote? It's mindboggling this arrogance.

And whose fault do you think it is that there are so many refugees in the first place? America in particular should be open to taking responsibility for the consequences their actions brought.

You don't make any sense btw. Fascism is the opposite of a multi-cultured nation. "Submissive white guys" That is your problem right there. Beeing responsible and culturally and educationally capable makes one a member of a modern society. Wich is the opposite of racism, sexism and other such questionable behaviours. Fun to joke with the friends, but in reality not to be practiced.

And btw i talk with the immigrants every week. They are learning a new language, just like i happen to be atm, and they are not these villains you think they are. They are normal people, who had a normal life until some western power decided to drop some bombs on their homes. They are not bitter about it either. Just like you, they just want to build a peaceful life for themselves. The fact that they are treated in this way and used as a scapegoat by the white low educated men is frankly disgusting. Those are hard working people trying to live in a desperate situation that don't nearly compare. Your arrogance is entitlement. None of them is living off you and they actually face very harsh requirements to be incorporated into the society.

This judgment without knowledge of the fact is the actual problem. The lack of empathy and the entitlement. Should i even call it racism? Someone tell's you its the fault of the other guy that you have problems (wich is a fat lie) and you believe like a ducky. That is the problem. Because it's so much easier to blame and hate someone else for your own problems.