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Shokugeki: ...Holy shit

Hisako, Ikumi, and Isami all expelled, just like that. I feel like this has to be reversed somehow, but I can't say for sure. These aren't main main characters, but they aren't minor either. Hisako in particular is going to be a huge blow to Erina.

Looking at this's kinda dumb that Azami wasted Tsukasa on the fat Italian brother, and had Souma face someone who he was basically on par with. His overconfidence just seems amateur...he knows Soma is Jouchiro's son, so you'd think he would go all out on him now.

Jun's reaction to Hayama was cute. Hayama's reaction to Souma's cooking though...*cringe* The yaoi was too much...seriously.  

Hero Academia: Interesting...

Kinda reminds me of the Gyro mini-arc in Hunter x Hunter, focusing on this dude we know nothing about. Cool to see another perspective on current events.

I'm curious what All Might expects to get from All for One now. 

Fairy Tail: Loli/Shota sex confirmed

Not much to say that isn't in the title. Zeref's son was confirmed to Mavis' son as well. Also overpowered right now...with his weird sex power. Seriously why is that a power.  

Apparently Toriko just ended. I know almost nothing about it...though it seemed popular for a while. Anybody here read/watch that?

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334