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HappySqurriel said:
disolitude said:
melbye said:
As long as it's good, of course. It would be nice to play a great FPS again, considering COD4, Orange Box and Halo3 was a massive disappointment after playing the extremely more superior Metroid Prime 3. It's funny how much difference the Wiimote makes, it makes playing with a traditional controller a painful experience

Thats like saying... "this sushi is so much better becuase I get to eat it with chopsticks"


If you other alternative is to eat it with a spoon that is covered in feces that would be the correct analogy ...

No, because you aren't at risk for hepatitis, other diseases, when you play with a gamepad. You're discussing the awkwardness of the controls. You don't you use a "gross" analogy for things like that. You use a "hard to do" analogy.

Therefore, it would be more accurate to say trying to eat with a flathead screwdriver. It can be done, but it's still annoying.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs