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HappySqurriel said:
disolitude said:
HappySqurriel said:
disolitude said:
melbye said:
As long as it's good, of course. It would be nice to play a great FPS again, considering COD4, Orange Box and Halo3 was a massive disappointment after playing the extremely more superior Metroid Prime 3. It's funny how much difference the Wiimote makes, it makes playing with a traditional controller a painful experience

Thats like saying... "this sushi is so much better becuase I get to eat it with chopsticks"


If you other alternative is to eat it with a spoon that is covered in feces that would be the correct analogy ...

For novice players maybe...its easier to point than use thumbs when you start playing FPS games at first.

Nevertheless, all I was saying is that control mechanism doesn't make COD, Orange box and Halo 3 dissapointing as games...just harder to control if you're used to wiimote. I personally would take xbox pad over wiimote for halo anyday as its tried and tested to be awesome.

I've played FPS games since they were invented on the PC and the best standard-controler set up for any console game is still amazingly clumsy; most FPS games make up for this by keeping as much of the action on a single plane, giving you very generous auto aim, and keeping action at a slow pace (to allow you to aim). From what I have seen, even very poor controlls on Wii first person shooters (like Red Steel) are far better than the best controlls that have ever been produced for a standard-controller.

Simply play a game like Metroid Prime 3 and once you've played through the robot city in the sky (which name escapes me at the moment) you will realize that you simply couldn't navigate the zip-lines if you were using a controller because you couldn't aim in time.

Eh.  I've played FPS games since Wolfenstein 3D, and I think that gamepads do a pretty good job with FPS controls.  Hell, the first time I played with a mouse in Quake, I was horrible.  But after practice, I got good with it.  Ditto with gamepad controls.  I'm still far from being great with a gamepad, but I'm getting there.

And the controls in Red Steel suck balls.  Way more than using a gamepad.  It's the first Wii game I ever played, and it was terrible.  MP3 does a decent job with FPS controls (but overall I still didn't like it), but IMO, the best FPS controls in a Wii game belong to Medal of Honor Heroes 2 (which I really enjoyed).  And I've actually played all those games, so it's not "from what I've seen," it's "from what I've played."  And you talk about auto-aiming, but have you played MP3 WITHOUT using the lock-on?  It's amazing to me that people can claim that MP3 has the best FPS controls on a console, but fail to notice that it relies heavily on using lock-on for combat.