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Well, when you're supported by the KKK, what do you think is going to happen. The KKK could support anybody they wanted but they chose Trump. They didn't support Bush, Clinton, etc. they supported Trump. The video about being called a Nigger while in school is simply disgusting. America wanted the 50's back, and that's why they voted so strongly. That's why those "hidden voters" (aka. KKK) got out and voted. Racism isn't dead, it was just hidden, until now.  People at Trump rallies said "Fuck them Niggers" and we don't think there are deplorables/racists planted within his party and his supporters? Come on. 

Trump stands to divide our nation, whether you think so or not. It may not be his intentions but that's what has happened. As an African American male, I'm disgusted by the way people feel they need to disrespect others based on genetics. I swear I'm moving out of Indiana real soon here, right after college. Get around people who are trying to get somewhere rather than be stuck in their own sad ways.

I knew this was going to happen. That's why America is hurting so much right now. I wouldn't have cared if Romney or McCain won because they weren't about being disgusting towards other races and normal people. Trump...he just has no values.