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AbbathTheGrim said:
Paperboy_J said:

I've never been a fan of this way of thinking.  Life isn't so black and white.  For one thing, a teapot is small, simple.  You're comparing something small like a teapot to the divine creator of all that exists, which is silly.  And that's the difference: nobody CARES if there's a teapot orbiting Mars.  It's a friggin' teapot!  We can't see it with our eyes, so that's reason enough to believe it's not there.  And that goes for unicorns, elves, or whatever else you want to throw into the mix.  They're small, insignificant, and ultimately don't matter.  But God is a different story.

And second, I believe you CAN disprove God's existance.  You just have to explain how a universe can create itself.  How is something born out of absolute nothingness?  Explain the process.  Explain how that works, how that can happen.  When you can explain how a universe creates itself without any outside cause whatsoever, you will have disproven God!

Prove that your god came out of nothing. You can explain how your god didn't need a creator. How is your god born out of nothingness? Explain the process. Explain how that works, how that can happen. When you can explain and prove how a god creates itself without any outside cause whatsoever and how that is not possible for the Universe, then you can say the Universe and what may lie beyond can't be the result of forces of nature happening.

To prove this, it would require the premise of God being bound to spacetime. But it says it isn't. What now?

Hunting Season is done...