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SpokenTruth said:
WolfpackN64 said:

I believe in an afterlife and I think there are higher powers between all living things.

That's close to agnostic theism.  A pure agnostic doesn't hold a position on an afterlife or higher power. 

Agnosticism is a factor of knowledge.
Theism is a factor of belief.

Therefore an agnostic theist doesn't claim to explicity know if a god or afterlife exists or not but believes they do.

That is completely contradictory.

Agnoticism is the lack of belief. You can't have a lack of belief and a belief at the same time. That is impossible. He is not Agnostic. As much as he or you would like to twist the term.

AbbathTheGrim said:
WolfpackN64 said:

I still don't agree with your defiition of agnosticism.

An Agnostic is an Atheist by default, on the meantime, open to change in the hypthetical case that evidence in the existance of some sort of god or gods is found.

Have been trying to get that point across for a while now. ^^

There is obviously alot of problems with the definition of the terms around here. I think they pick Agnostic just because they think its like "neutral choice" where you can pick and choose what you want. Wich is not exactly what it is.