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Veknoid_Outcast said:
I'm going to make my post then get the hell out of here.

I think a lot of it comes from people who take all the lies and conspiracy theories from far-right publications and personalities as gospel. The Clintons have been hounded for 25 years by the Rush Limbaughs and Sean Hannitys of the world, and the Republican establishment made it their job to tarnish Hillary Clinton's reputation once it became clear she was the heir apparent.

Does Clinton have baggage? Hell yes. What politician who's been in the game for decades doesn't? She was sloppy with her private server, she's hawkish, and she's made some unsavory alliances. She's not perfect. Can someone point out a political candidate who is?

The other aspect, and I hate to say it, is that she's a she. Just as President Obama's rise to power revealed the nasty racism that simmers under the surface in America, Clinton's rise to power has revealed a lot of backward thinking about the role and responsibility of women.

This isn't true.

Maybe with some people, but a very very small % give a damn what gender Hillary is and a very very small % of people give a damn what race Obama is.  Now if you actually read that and didn't roll your eyes and start replying already, then you might have a chance of listening to me.   Republicans haven't like Democrats policies forever, and Democrats haven't liked Republicans policies either.  But now when a Republican speaks out about the policies of Obama or Hillary they are countered with "You're a racist/sexist" which is actually a clever tactic to deflect the actual issues and paint the opposer as a hateful villan.  It's not about race, it's about policy and belief.   Even when a Ben Carson or Michael Steel pops up in the Republican party the Democrats call them "uncle toms" and "token black dudes".  So please, when it comes to election day we are all by a vast majority electing our President based on their policies and beliefs, not on their race or gender.

Also the issue isn't just about emails, it's much much beyond that.  The emails is just the first layer of it and moreso the distraction.  The problem is what was deleted on those emails, what information was being hid from his.  Her current excuse is that it was 33,000 emails about her daughters wedding and yoga classes.  Nobody with half a brain actually believes that as a valid claim, it shows she's hiding.    If you've read through the Wikileaks and such you find out that she has a web of corruption that reaches several departments of the government and has helped her entirely rig the primaries to get the nomination.  There was no point of even having a primary as they already annointed her as the Democratic canidate.  That is not democracy, she wasn't chosen by the people she was chosen by the establishment (where Trump is the difference).

They have found several instances of her taking bribes (they rephrased that as "pay for play") from several companies and foriegn agencies to get things done.  She gets money into The Clinton Foundation in a donation form and then she turns around and gives Russia 20% of our Uranium (but then tells us that Trump is buddy-buddy with Russia).  Look into what she did with Haiti, she capitalized on that earthquake and took bribes to choose who to contract out on relief work.   She claims she's for women's rights and gay rights but she takes $25million from Saudi Arabia.  In their wikileaks it's admitted by her team that they know Saudi Arabia is funding ISIS, yet she still takes their money and brokers weapons deals with Saudi Arabia (which are likely being used against us, but she doesn't care she got paid).   Her leadership with Benghazi was horrible, she did not respond or help on something like 600 requests for help or more security from the embassy over there, ignored it.  Then Ambassador Stevens was murdered in an his requests for help were warranted.   After that happened Obama and Hillary (obama was up for election) covered up the fact they asked for help and didn't respond and LIED, PROVEN LIE that they believe it was caused by sudden outrage of a YouTube video and was not a planned attack.  PROVEN LIE.  Remember LIES LIES LIES.  Hillary said she did not have any classified information on her server, that turned out to be a LIE.  She was subponeaed to hand over her emails and THEN had them deleted by her private IT guy with a program called BleachBit...he claims he did it on accident, but his reddit account was found and he was asking because his BOSS wanted them deleted.  LIES LIES and more LIES.  Bill Clinton meeting up with the Attorney General before they determine to prosecute her or not, very suspciouis.  Colluding with the media, especially CNN and Huffington Post, giving Hillary the debate questions ahead of time, the New York Times lets Hillary veto any quotes or stories if she doesn't like them and the Huffington Post and CNN also asking what questions and information they'd like seen used against her opponents.      Watch Clinton Cash on YouTube.   There's also speculation that Assad didn't even gas his own people, and that Hillary & Obama gave chemical weapons to the rebels and they used it on the people, then the US used that as a spring board to get "involved" in the war, they framed Assad (this one is speculation/rumor).  But it is FACT ISIS grew to power under her watch and she helped arm them.  THIS IS WHY PEOPLE DON'T LIKE HILLARY NOT JUST BECAUSE OF SOME SIMPLE EMAIL MISHANDLING.......might wanna throw in she has threatened military force against Russia for hacking when it isn't proven Russia hacked her or not, but it is still a result of her mishandling of classified information...if a door is left  open and unlocked and the house gets robbed there is an understandable reason to be mad at the thief, but it's the fault of the homeowners poor judgement that caused this problem.