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I'm going to make my post then get the hell out of here.

I think a lot of it comes from people who take all the lies and conspiracy theories from far-right publications and personalities as gospel. The Clintons have been hounded for 25 years by the Rush Limbaughs and Sean Hannitys of the world, and the Republican establishment made it their job to tarnish Hillary Clinton's reputation once it became clear she was the heir apparent.

Does Clinton have baggage? Hell yes. What politician who's been in the game for decades doesn't? She was sloppy with her private server, she's hawkish, and she's made some unsavory alliances. She's not perfect. Can someone point out a political candidate who is?

The other aspect, and I hate to say it, is that she's a she. Just as President Obama's rise to power revealed the nasty racism that simmers under the surface in America, Clinton's rise to power has revealed a lot of backward thinking about the role and responsibility of women.