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Sqrl said:

Lately I've noticed that (more than usual anyways), people really enjoy talking about revenue in reference to just about everything. From software & hardware sales to the discussions back and forth over the merits of which consoles developers should choose to create games for etc...

Clearly in some situations revenue is the only number we are given, particularly with MS who loves revenue because well...frankly profit isn't nearly as positive for them as it is for other companies.

My question is this: Did I miss something that was special about revenue? Perhaps I didn't get the memo or maybe I misunderstand revenue somehow. Because to my knowledge revenue is the cash brought in by the company before overhead/costs are considered at all...just the amount of cash flow generated ...or the "top line" if you will(I know this definition is correct I'm just making a point).

Why aren't people more interested with profits? Profits are what truly matter in this business...well all businesses really. You can own a company that buys widgets for $1 trillion dollars and sells them for 1 trillion and 1 dollars and have over a trillion dollars in revenue..but your profit is still only $1.

Hopefully this doesn't come off as too much of a rant, its not really intended to be. I was just wondering why I see people mentioning revenue so much in speculative debates. I just figured if you're going to speculate about the reasons for developer to do things it would seem more logical for them to be ruled by the bottom line...and not the top.

 Revenue's a bigger number!