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HappySqurriel said:
Smidlee said:

So when it comes, for example, developing GT5 you believe it would be cheaper to cram the game into 88mb of ram than into 256mb -512mb of ram? Maxing out any system requires lots of time and effort. Now the Big N has a real motive in trying to max out the Wii as they aren't just selling a game but also their system. I wouldn't expect those outside of the Big N to waste too much resources trying to do the same. It the same with games on multiplatform.

You do realise that 95% of the cost of a HD game is not in optimizing the game and is assocated to the costs in producing the 3D content?

The difference between a game like Gran Turismo 5 and Gran Turismo 3 is that for every car/track you're dedicating at least twice as many people to develop the car/track and it is taking them at least twice as long to produce the same car/track; the reason for this is that it takes a lot of people to add the little details that give the game that "Photorealistic" look. Being that you won't be able to see the fine metal brusing on a set of wheels in the Wii version of a racer, you won't need someone to write the pixel shader to create the effect, and you won't need the texture artist to apply the effect to the wheel; when you don't implement dozens of these effects the time savings are amazing.

Do you realize that almost all PC games run in greater resolution than SD TV and have been for years? The ps3/360 doesn't make these 3D models more expensive but the developer of GT5 who wants to make it models as realistic as possible does. The ps3 gives the developer the power to do so. Is it really necessary for GT5 to run in 1080p for it to sale? I don't think so.


Unlike PC, the exact oppisite works against the PS3/360. One of the games that could really benefit from HD resolution would be William's "Pinball Hall of Fame" but sadly it only came out for PS2 and Wii. As many here noted, the PS3/360 seems less likely to get by with average graphics (games that doesn't push the console) than the Wii can. So for now the console's stereo types seem to stick, graphic matters a lot when it come to 360/ps3 and not so much when it comes to Wii.