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So which side are you voting this time?   There is study that marijuana is less dangerous for you than alcohol and tabacco.  It's a great money crop.  New medicines are being produced by the plant and can really help people who need it.  Plus, the recreational aspect of it is just...well, fun.  So, which side do you swing? 

  • Arizona (Proposition 205): 48% in favor; 47% opposed; 4% undecided
  • California (Proposition 64): 58% in favor; 37% opposed; 5% undecided
  • Maine (Question 1): 50% in favor; 41% opposed; 9% undecided
  • Massachusetts (Question 4): 62% in favor; 33% opposed; 4% undecided
  • Nevada (Question 2): 47% in favor; 43% opposed; 11% undecided