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Wyrdness said:
JRPGfan said:

The problem is they build up franchises that people grow to love, and have zero reguard for the fans that came to love it, for what it was.

Keeping the characters/name, but vastly changeing the gameplay DNA of a game franchise, does suck.


Like Paper Mario going from a serious RPG, to a 2Dplatformer, then a simple sticker puzzle type game.... it sucks.

Metroid prime games of old, are very damn differnt than Metroid Prime : federation force.

Stuff like that sucks..... instead of evolving the gameplay or keeping it (if its near perfect) they seemingly swap things around without reguard for the fans.


Its not something we should be praiseing nintendo for.

If they want to try vastly differnt gameplay types, they should make new franchises, instead of just copy&pasteing characters from beloved franchices into it.

No one wanted a Animal Crossing Amiibo party board game.... why did nintendo give us it? couldnt they have put in some more effect and made a real AC game instead? ect ect ect.

Mate don't ever mention Prime at all in your argument because that game was hammered before release by fans, funny how their tune has changed now. The original Prime is an example of them doing what you're complaining about now.

the man is talking about 3 games, you're talking about one that came out more than a decade ago?