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Smidlee said:

So when it comes, for example, developing GT5 you believe it would be cheaper to cram the game into 88mb of ram than into 256mb -512mb of ram? Maxing out any system requires lots of time and effort. Now the Big N has a real motive in trying to max out the Wii as they aren't just selling a game but also their system. I wouldn't expect those outside of the Big N to waste too much resources trying to do the same. It the same with games on multiplatform.

You do realise that 95% of the cost of a HD game is not in optimizing the game and is assocated to the costs in producing the 3D content?

The difference between a game like Gran Turismo 5 and Gran Turismo 3 is that for every car/track you're dedicating at least twice as many people to develop the car/track and it is taking them at least twice as long to produce the same car/track; the reason for this is that it takes a lot of people to add the little details that give the game that "Photorealistic" look. Being that you won't be able to see the fine metal brusing on a set of wheels in the Wii version of a racer, you won't need someone to write the pixel shader to create the effect, and you won't need the texture artist to apply the effect to the wheel; when you don't implement dozens of these effects the time savings are amazing.