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Is that your whole argument Trestres?

Haze? Sheesh. Come up with something new.


Meh. I've seen the trailer and the screenshots and it looks as generic of a shooter as ever.

Government conspiracy? Check
Aliens? Check
Guns? Check

It seems like a run-of-the-mill shooter to me.

I will give the game props though, it does look good (for a Wii Game). It doesn't come close to most PS360 games though, but it probably looks close to HAZE to me, more jaggies though (Looking @ the screenshots).

The fact that remains is that there is no publisher for this game yet. So who knows when this game will see the light of day. I think that people should probably wait until this has a publisher before getting hyped for it. But if I was a Wii owner, based solely on previews, I'd give this game a rent at least, it looks to be a good, but generic FPS.