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LivingMetal said:
Thuglas said:

Media collusion has never been this exposed before and it just mindboggling the extent to which they are trying to get Clinton elected even at the cost of angering their viewer base. I could provide plenty on wikileaks emails showing all major news corporations (except fox) colluding with Clinton in some way. Some of it is as bad as sending the Clinton campaign an unpublished article and asking if they want to make any changes or if it is acceptable to them. lolwut? leaking debate questions? yup. Long list of major journalists attending "off the record" dinners at John Podesta's house? That too. This isn't "opinion". Allowing Clinton campaign to edit articles and giving them debate questions is undeniable collusion (bias) and cheating respectively. What is opinion would be me to tell you to look at how CNN covers the wikileaks scandal. they always downplay the severity of the email scandal and wikileaks (conviniently ignoring the ones that involves them) and tries to scapegoat Russia every two seconds when it is obvious they aren't even involved. CNN videos are getting massively downvoted every time they cover these stories cause it is so painfully obvious they are biased. Here is CNN "losing" the feed of a republican congressman as soon as he mentions "wikileaks". also a montage of CNN and MSNBC cutting people off.

Yes, a black Trump supporter pleaded that people stop with the racist allegations and that we all should get along. The feed was cut and MSNBC anchor claims it is cause he was "black and not many Trump supporters are black so we cut that feed" basically. I used to trust these stations a month ago now I can't imaging regaining that trust for decades to come after this shitstorm.

You know, I posted a video of two African-American females, sharing their opposing views of this political era.  Yet, there has been hardly any response because some are afraid of the truth.  The video was unedited, and both women had their equal oppotunity to say what they had to say.  It appears the scary thing to some was that it's an African-American woman who favored Trump, opposite of the stereotypes and lies that pandered to the general African-American populace that only the Democratic party cared for them.  Here's the thread in which the video was posted:

Here, since you feel this video was overlooked and no one wanted to talk about it I'll entertain you. Listen, many of us blacks aren't in love with the Democratic party. And we don't necessarily hate the Republican party. Hell, I'm a left-leaning independent who'd be voting for Jeb Bush if he'd been the Republican nominee. But listen, the party's politics and policies aren't the issue. The issue is the party's constituency. Not all of them. Trust me I know. My wife is white and she's a staunch Republican. However, when members of the KKK are so readily connecting themselves to the Republican party it leads to a level of discomfort for blacks to want to stand in a room with a Republican candidate knowing many of whom are in that room could be members of the KKK.

Another thing that leads to the minorities disliking the Republican party is how they always seem to lean in on black crime and black criminals and link the criminality to race. A man shot and killed 2 Ohio police officers a week ago commenters on FOX News's website went in on BLM and black crime statistics in general. They were so sure the murders had to have been an angry black man. FOX themselves discussed why BLM allows these things to happen. All before even knowing what the killer looks like. Then it's revealed the murderer is a hard-right Trump supporter and not a thing is said about it. NOTHING!!! The story just vanished. No one mourned the officers or threw up #BlueLivesMatter hastags. Why? Because the killer isn't the well-known boogeyman.

Let me tell you how it can be sometimes when you're a black Republican. My father was once a black Republican. He'd always been so his entire life. But he started having bad experiences at Republican rallies after Barack Obama became president. His worst experience came at an Allan West rally here in Florida. He shows up to a town hall and he's getting stares. Some idiot asks him if he's a plant for Patrick Murphy. My father asks why the man would ask him that and the guy says it's because he's black. That's maddening!!!

Finally, and I'll reiterate: Republican politics aren't the problem! Both sides policies can work if the a-holes would just work together. And Democrats get me sometimes when they're so ready to excuse bad behavior by black criminals because they're "products of their environment". But I've seen Democrats back a minority they think is innocent and go against minorities they think are guilty. But Republicans seem to always go against the minority in all aspects. Hell, it doesn't even have to be minority. White victims of police brutality are also made to be instantly guilty. Yet Republicans seem to be missing from the conversation when crooked cops are outed and jailed. So yeah, back to the topic at hand. There are black Republicans. Very few, but more than people think. And it's not the people within the party who minorities dislike. It's the Republican voters themselves.

P.S. Sorry this is so all over the place. I'm on my lunch break at work and I'm writing from my iPhone.


A mouse & keyboard are made for sending email and typing internet badassery. Not for playing video games!!!