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when peole say things like "the wii cpu is 3x more powerful than the gc", what exactly to they expect this to mean in real world?

If you look at some of the best box1 games they were stunning and still look great today and in my opinion, aside from the resolution increase the average game doesn't look that much better on the 360 which has a CPU thats probably 10 - 15x more powerful than its predecessor. Halo 2 - 3, PGR 2- 3- 4, Forza 1- 2, if these games look barely better on a machine thats so much more powerful, what do you expect from a machine that's only 3x more powerful?

I dont see the point in these arguement anyway, we all know that the wii is never going to do much more graphically than the cube and does anyone really care if thats the case?

I think Nintendo have played a master stroke with the Wii, basically forcing people to stop being so anal about graphics and show them games are supposed to be fun, not a lesson in physics, come next generation the sony and MS machines will have even less avenues for improvement graphically, no 'HD' to brag about and so on. Nintendo will be able to enter the HD generation to a userbase of people that actually already have HDTVs and will be able to utilise it.