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*bleu-ocelot* said:
TWRoO said:
NJ5 said:
*bleu-ocelot* said:


No announced titles that will match the sucess of SSBB,MK,and Wiifit.

Ah, that's what you meant... Nintendo doesn't tend to hype their titles too early. I'm pretty sure Nintendo has a few cards up the sleeve, we've had a few signs of that already!


And why exactly do they have to.... there are no announced titles for the 360 that will match GTAIV, and there is only 1 for the PS3 (GT5)... and you have to bare in mind that MS and particularly Sony have gone out of their way to announce all the titles that are worth anything that might be coming out in the next 2 years. Nintendo hasn't even fully announced it's lineup for the next quarter.

Your point is worthless.

like NJ5 says, there are enough franchises and possible titles from Nintendo alone to keep the Wii interest till the end of the generation.

I personally am looking forward to F-Zero, Animal Crossing, hopefully a wave race. And the mother of all, the next installment of The Legend of Zelda.

Well,until they announce something,my point is 100% valid.

 No... actually not, since your argument was originally about the AAA games actually released this year. If you're going to explain yourself, at least try to explain your original statements.

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