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vivster said:
Volterra_90 said:
I don't really know anything about hardware specs tbh. I know about good games, and that's what I really want... Switch will succeed with a good catalogue. Imo it has to be also cheap to suceed, so I really don't mind if the console is underpowered in the end.

I think so too. 750GFLOPS for the Switch is plenty for the kinds of games it will run. It doesn't seem to strive for parity with the bigger twins.

I just can't stand when people claim it's close to their performance.

As I said, I don't know too much about hardware specs, but I believe that a portable, close to PS4/One power, would be extremely expensive and really power consuming. Correct me if I'm wrong xD. And it would be pretty much absurd competing with PS4/One, it's a lost battle imo. They're better doing their own thing. And that is a cheap, Nintendo-based console.