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WagnerPaiva said:
KungKras said:

Tsar Bomba has a blast radius of about the size of Paris.

Orders of magnitude smaller than half of France.

Do not forget this: the Tzar Bomb is 50 years old tech, with no precision delivery. It weighted 27tons. The Satan 2 missile delivers 10 state of the art 10 tons (weight) nukes into a spread area, with pinpoint precision accuracy.

So, yes, overkill.

Satan 2 can carry 10 payloads of 750kton each. Its 7.5 Megaton in total Tsar Bomba is 50 Megaton. Both are not nearly enough to cover texas in a blast. Tsar Bomba is much stronger then Satan 2 age does not matter all that matters is how many megatons the bomb has. The precision will not increase its destructive force. Yes it can more effectively destroy texas the nfrastructure as it can target multiple places. But it can still not destroy half texas. For this gigatons are necessary. ( I am not talking about nuclear fallout)