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NobleTeam360 said:
Assuming Hillary does want to take Russia down, I think there are for more covert ways of doing it that wouldn't involve direct confrontation to Russia. The US excels at stirring up revolutions in other countries to throw out leaders, I'm sure they could do the same to Russia (Of course it would be a lot harder to do and take a lot longer to pull off)

That's just one way, I'm sure there are dozens of other ways that are even better. Of course this is all hypothetical and based on the assumption Hillary does want to take down Russia; which she may want but doesn't mean she will do so.

Sure, she told in the debate: a No Fly Zone in Syria, so they can hunt down and kill Bashar Al Saad. And China and Russia said: "touch Bashar and it is war". 

Simple as that, the death of Bashar will start world war.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.