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Swordmasterman said:
Miyamotoo said:

No, because you comparing platforms from different generations and difrent games, its easier to compare sales of some same multiplatform game on consoles of same generation, than sales of some exlusive games in difrent generation. Also if you need more evidence, look at sales of multi platform games on PS4 and XB1 and you will see that on PS4 sales of those same games are around double than they are on XB1, because of bigger twice instal base.

In this case I talking about attach rate only for U4 on PS4 and only about Halo 5 on XB1, look at current attach rate of those games, and you will see that in year-two attach rate will similar to current.

That isn't the case, we have different consoles with different interests.  According to VG Chartz, the PS4 version of The Witcher 3, Dark Souls, Metal Gear Solid, Fifa, outsold the Xbox One's version 3-4.5. Even with Fifa it has a 2.5-3x advantage.

Some shooters have a 2 to 1  difference because it is Xbox's biggest genre of games.  Last gen some games and genres sold better on Sony's console on the USA than Microsoft, even when the PS3 was 20 millions behind the Xbox 360 in the USA. But, today, Microsoft is unable to do the same thing in any region of the world. Every game that sells on Xbox will sell more on the PS4 because of the taste of Xbox Gamers.

Sony was able to catch the shooter ground when they already had all the other genres.  That makes it difficult for Microsoft to make deals and increase Xbox's  relevance for people who like other genres, but don't affect Halo's sales  like you think.

Of Course that you want have exactly double sales for each game because some games are more popular in Europe and some in US, but in majority cases difference is around double sales for PS4. Just look sales numbers here on VGC of best selling PS4 and XB1 games, CoD 3, GTA5, StarWars Battlefront are all around double on PS4 compared to XB1.

Whole my point is that XB1 has instal base like PS4 has, sales of Halo 5 would be much higher, and because of that I dont see point of comparing sales of two difrent games on two platforms where one has twice bigger instal base.